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Professor Lawrence Leiter - Controlling cardiovascular risk factors in 2021 - beyond glucose
Professor Lawrence Leiter - Controlling cardiovascular risk factors in 2021 - beyond glucose
Professor Lawrence Leiter - Controlling CV risk factors in 2021 - beyond glucose: full presentation
Professor Lawrence Leiter - Controlling CV risk factors in 2021 - beyond glucose - short summary
Reducing cardiovascular risk in diabetes
Webinar | Unpacking diabetes and the heart: Latest risk and management strategies | Heart Foundation
Webinar - Evaluation & Management of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors (Sarah E. Stumbar, MD, MPH)
SGLT2i & Cardio/Renal Aspects
Dr. Lawrence A. Leiter
The Value of Managing the ABCs
Galien Forum USA 2016 / Diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular risk - on the rise, fall and novel...
Day 1 complete recording